Hi. I'm Connor Nelson.

I research interesting security problems with the SEFCOM Lab at Arizona State University. My primary focus is on improving the state of cybersecurity education. I have also done research on black box program analysis, automatic vulnerability discovery, and creating systems which effectively leverage computer-human collaboration.

I enjoy hacking with Shellphish, one of the top hacking teams in the world. We regularly compete in hacking competitions all around the world.

I am passionate about sharing the exciting world of hacking with others. To accomplish this, I created pwn.college, an education platform that teaches people how to hack.

On the side, I am an avid semi-professional walker, I am figuring out how to play the piano, and I enjoy cooking. I also love to win.

Check out my honey mustard blog. It is my dream to one day be the top result when searching for "honey mustard blog". It is the top ranked blog in the honey mustard blog space. Follow me on GitHub.